Bill gates wrote a class scheduling program for his school

Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it. At the age of 15, Gate and Allen were ready to kick into their business shoes. Together they created Traf-O-Data which is a program that measured and assessed the traffic flow in the city of Seattle.

He later admitted that he preferred playing video games and poker while bunking classes. Just a year later during the college education of Bill Gates, Allen came across a magazine article which talked about the first microcomputer, i. He showed the article to Gates and they found it as a shining opportunity to utilise their knack of programming. He actually agreed but the only issue was that this version was not yet created. Then, once the program was finished, they went to Albuquerque to the head office to test if it worked on the Altair.

Though they were oblivious if it would run. But it actually turned out well and it was at this point that Gates made his decision to drop out of Harvard. He and Allen came to live in Albuquerque which is the city where Microsoft came into being. One interesting fact about their time here was that both Gates and Allen wrote software for varied start-ups such as Tandy Cop, Commodore as well as Apple. Imagine a year old boy hunched over the computer entranced by the world inside it!

Fast-forward to a decade later, the same boy with his best friend founded the computer phenomena which they called Micro-soft, a brilliant amalgamation of the two words, Microcomputer and Software. Moreover, he has always emphasised the importance of perseverance in the journey to achieve success.

So, taking risks can not only make you learn something new but will also teach you to always strive towards the extraordinary things in life. Focus on Collaboration, Not Competition! It was his collaboration with Paul Allen that they both followed their love towards computers and further, proposing their ideas to the Altair actually helped them learn more about microcomputers. Thus, rather than running the rat race, find those who share your goals and facilitate amazing collaborations that can change the world!

There is No Shortcut to Success Gates grew up at a time when people were still understanding emerging computing technologies. The school education of Bill Gates actually encouraged his curiosity towards computers but he still had to work exhaustively to bring his vision of personal computers to reality. Hence, everyone has to follow a long journey to manifest their dreams and amidst all of it, you must remember that there is no shortcut and the only thing that will get you through it all is your unrelenting strive towards your goal!

Thus, we hope that this blog elaborating the quest of education of Bill Gates has helped you glance into his journey from being a skinny teen in love with computers to envisioning the revolution that personal computers would bring to the digital world.

Allen recounts how he would win or lose hundreds of dollars in a night, and eventually dropped "thousands. Gates loved to stay up all night working. One time, a new secretary came in on Monday morning to find him sprawled out on the floor. She thought he was unconscious, but he'd just been up all weekend and was taking a quick catnap. As Microsoft started to get some success, Allen held a crazy Halloween party at his house. Gates got a kick out of sliding on the banister -- he would "run as fast as he could, throw himself on the banister, and glide toward the kitchen.

In the early days of Microsoft, Gates got so many speeding tickets that he was forced to hire the best traffic attorney in Washington State to get him out of trouble. One day, he borrowed a friend's Porsche and spun and bottomed out, almost totaling it. The repairs took a year. As the plane pulled away, Gates ran up to the control panel next to the jetway and began pushing buttons, hoping to move the jetway back out to the plane.

Allen thought Gates would be arrested, but instead somebody from the airline called the plane back for them. For you. World globe An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options. Get the Insider App. Click here to learn more. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. Good Subscriber Account active since Shortcuts. Account icon An icon in the shape of a person's head and shoulders.

It often indicates a user profile. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Did Bill Gates tamper with his school's computer system? Ask Question. Asked 8 years, 6 months ago. Active 5 years ago.

Viewed 3k times. Did this in fact happen? Improve this question. Benjamin Gruenbaum Benjamin Gruenbaum 2 2 silver badges 7 7 bronze badges. Does someone have access to his autobiography "Hard Drive"? Apparently it answers this question. Seems unlikely. Gates' would have been 14 high school age in It is possible a high school might have had one


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